Kenya Mbooni Children's Home Report and Prayer Requests, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞Mbooni兒童中心事工報告與代禱事項

Praise – Prayer – Preparation – Provision
頌贊 – 代禱 – 預備 – 供應

Jeremiah 29:11 – “Hope and a Future”
耶利米書 29:11——「希望與未來」

Praise 頌贊:
We are praising the Lord for the many answered prayers in 2022. He has blessed us with new sponsors for the children of AIC Mbooni Children’s Home of Kenya from Living Hope Global Ministries.
感謝主在2022年回應我們許多的禱告。感謝主借著新希望全球事工為肯尼亞 AIC Mbooni孤兒院的孩子們找到新的捐助人。

This year, God has provided funding for the following: a new generator; the completion of our computer lab for the children; the addition of young children to the home; medical care for several children with Covid- related illness; Christmas gifts for the children and staff; funds to help the graduating children with their future education; the enrollment of 10 children in the Kima Vocational Technical College, and the healthy feeding of the children and staff during the time of drought. God is so Good!  
感謝主,我們今年為孤兒院提供了資金購買一台新發電機;為孩子們完成了計算機教室;為孤兒院增加了年幼的孩子;為幾名患有與Covid-19相關疾病的孩子提供了醫療服務;為孩子和員工們準備了聖誕禮物;提供了用於幫助即將畢業的孩子接受未來教育的資金;幫助10名孩子在 Kima 職業技術學院的入學以及在旱季缺乏食物時,仍然讓孩子們和工作人員有健康的飲食。感謝神!
Prayer Requests代祷:
 This is a current list of prayer requests:

  1. The 104 children at the home, plus the others who are in college and vocational school: Pray for their health and their spiritual growth.
 1 . 孤兒院的 104 個孩子,加上其他正在上大學和職業學校的孩子。為他們的健康和屬靈成長禱告。
 2. Pray for all our sponsors of the children, that God will continue to bless them, as they provide the funds for the children.
 2. 為我們所有孩子的助養人禱告,他們為孩子提供了經濟上的幫助,願上帝繼續祝福他們。

  3. Pray for the Living Hope Global Ministries, as we continue to walk through the open doors of opportunity to reach more orphaned and disadvantaged children in Kenya.
  3. 為新希望全球事工禱告,求主繼續打開機會之門,讓我們接觸更多肯尼亞的孤兒和弱勢兒童。

  4. We are also preparing to add dormitory space at the Mbooni Home. We would like to add an additional 50 + children to the home in 2023. Please pray that the Lord will provide funds for building new dormitories.
  4. 我們還準備在Mbooni 孤兒院增加宿舍空間。我們想在 2023 年再增加 50 多個孩子。求主預備新建宿舍的資金。

  5. We are praying for sponsors for the new opportunities that God is showing us. Nothing is impossible with God.
  5. 求主帶給我們更多的捐助人。在神沒有難成的事!

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