Honduras Langue Children Center Update Feb. 2024 | 洪都拉斯蘭蓋兒童中心報告 2024年2月

Living Hope Children's Center Preparing School Supplies Donated by Mission Teams Last Year for the Children

In 2024, the Living Hope Children’s Center in Langue, Honduras, continues to be a source of support and growth for 45 families and their 52 children. As we celebrate our 8th year, we reflect on our achievements and our community's ongoing needs, with grateful acknowledgment of the support we've received through God's provision.  
Living Hope invites the community to join in prayers for these children, recognizing their potential to excel academically with diligence and the encouragement of their families. The center confronts cultural and familial obstacles that often hinder educational pursuits yet remains unwavering in its commitment to emphasize the importance of schooling. And the center is set to distribute school supplies to the children, which have been generously provided by last year's mission team, to support their continued education in public schools.
In September 2023, we supported Association of Evangelical Churches (ASIECAH) in Honduras to lead a local youth short-term mission team to the Tolupan Indian Tribe, aiming to encourage local churches to cultivate more young disciples.  Now, the youth program at the center, serving older children, has become an answered prayer, enriching the youth’s spiritual lives. With 18 older children now attending church meetings every Saturday as part of the Children’s Center youth program. When the meetings are over, the ministry truck ensures their safe passage home after dark. This concerted effort has garnered parents' trust and underscored the program's vital role in guiding children at a pivotal time in their lives.
Currently, the center is focusing on mentoring five of its oldest children to become the first young leaders.  As we forge ahead, the Living Hope Children’s Center needs your continued prayers and financial support, particularly for our youth program. Your prayers are the foundation that sustains our staff in Honduras to guide the children we serve to live out God’s love and grace.

Youth with ASIECAH on a Mission Trip

2024 年,洪都拉斯蘭蓋的新希望兒童中心繼續為 45 個家庭及其 52 名兒童提供支持和幫助。在我們慶祝成立八週年之際,我們回顧了我們所取得的成就和社區的持續需求,感謝上帝的供應給予我們的支持。
在2023年9月,我們支持洪都拉斯福音派教會聯合會(ASIECAH)帶領當地青少年去到托魯盤印地安部落的短宣,旨在鼓勵當地教會培養更多青年門徒。 現在,兒童中心為年齡較大的兒童開始青少年事工,這項事工已經回應了兒童中心長久的禱告,豐富了青少年的屬靈生活。作為兒童中心青少年事工的一部分,現在有 18 名年齡較大的兒童每週六參加教會聚會。聚會結束後,我們用事工的卡車確保他們在天黑後安全回家。在同工們的努力下,這項事工不僅贏得了家長的信任,也讓孩子們生命中關鍵時刻得到指導,走在正確的道路。

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