35 Years' Path of Grace | 35年的恩典之路

Article by Rev. Dr. Samuel Fang- Founder, President
文:方牧師- 創辦人,會長

35 Years' Journey of Living Hope


In 2024, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of Living Hope Global Ministries. In the past 35 years, we have experienced countless difficulties and challenges but, at the same time, we have also witnessed God’s promise— “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
35 years ago, "MCM International" began its extraordinary and important ministries in East Asia. "Micro Bible College on the Air" is a radio program for training ministers. We then copied 180 sets of radio programs into audio tapes and sent them to churches around the world at a rate of 5,000 sets per month. In the absence of local theological and biblical training, these tapes have been a blessing to churches in the ministry of training ministers. From the mid-1990s to 2017, we led more than 4,000 brothers and sisters from American churches to participate in various short-term mission teams in East Asia, including education, medical care, English summer camps, minister training, and orphan care. In 2001, MCM International’s sister organization, Living Hope International, established the first children’s home, followed by four other Children’s homes. Since 1996, we have assisted more than 1,000 American families in adopting orphans from East Asia and bringing them back to the United States.
Ten years ago, we established 20 schools in the opium-growing mountainous areas of the Golden Triangle of South Asia, thus giving local children the opportunity to receive foundational education and hear the gospel for the first time.
In 2017, the organization was renamed "Living Hope Global Ministries". Our ministry has a new expansion. We lead (promote and encourage) Chinese Christians in North America into the field of cross-cultural missions. From 2017 to now, we have not only established two mission bases in Honduras, but we have also led more than 500 Chinese Christians to Honduras in Central America, to work with local evangelical churches to develop different gospel ministries, including sponsorship of orphans and poor children, Indian tribe ministry, prison gospel ministry, youth soccer ministry, evangelist training, women’s ministry, and community care. Behind these many ministries, we are grateful to the brothers and sisters in many Chinese churches for providing a large amount of needed donations. These short-term mission teams have brought many blessings to local ministries, and our Lord has also blessed us richly: many brothers and sisters have had a turning point in their spiritual lives, and many teenagers have not only learned to be grateful but even made decisions to be baptized and accept the Lord Jesus as their personal savior.
Starting from 2019, we have started an orphan sponsorship program in Kenya and Ukraine in 2022. Different Chinese short-term mission teams have entered Kenya, Poland, Ukraine, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina in South America.
In 2023, we launched a new ministry called "Retire? Refire!". We encourage our co-workers, brothers, and sisters who have retired from churches and workplaces to use the experience they have accumulated throughout their lives to continue to be used by the Lord. They are encouraged to go to Chinese churches or fellowships around the world to visit people, encourage them, give training, and inject new hope into brothers and sisters who fight alone.
Although 35 years is not short, it is short in God’s eternal plan. We hope that “Living Hope Global Ministries” can continue to be used by the Lord until the Lord returns!

35th Anniversary Celebration of Living Hope in Honduras Tolupan Children's Center

宏都拉斯托魯盤兒童中心孩子們同慶新希望成立35 週年

        35年前, 「MCM International」(MCMI)機構在東亞開始了不平凡而又重要的事工。 「空中微型聖經學院」是傳道人訓練的電台廣播節目。隨後我們又把180套廣播節目錄製成錄音帶,以每月5000套的速度和數量送到各地的教會。在當地缺乏神學及聖經訓練的情況下,這些錄音帶成為各地教會培養傳道人事工的祝福。從90年代中期開始至2017年,我們帶領了美國教會的4000多位弟兄姊妹參與在東亞的各類短宣隊,包括教育,醫療,英語夏令營,傳道人培訓,和孤兒關懷。在2001年,MCMI的姊妹機構Living Hope International建立第一個希望兒童之家,隨後四個兒童之家成立。自1996年起,我們協助了1000多個美國家庭領養了東亞的孤兒,並將他們帶回美國撫養。
         2017年機構改名為「新希望全球事工」。我們的事工又有了新的擴展, 我們帶領(宣傳並鼓勵)北美的華人基督徒進入跨文化宣教的工場。從2017年至今,不僅在宏都拉斯建立了兩個宣教基地,我們也帶領了五百多名華人基督徒前往中美洲的洪都拉斯,與當地福音派教會一起開創不同的福音事工,其中包括:孤貧兒童助養,印地安部落事工,監獄福音事工青少年足球事工傳道人培訓婦女同工培訓,社區民眾關懷。在這些眾多事工背後,感恩眾華教會的弟兄姊妹提供了大量所需的捐款。這些短宣隊給當地的事工帶去了許多的祝福,而我們的主也豐豐富富地祝福了我們:許多弟兄姊妹屬靈生命得到翻轉,還有許多青少年不僅學會了感恩,甚至決志受洗,接受主耶穌成為他們個人的救主。
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