

Testimonies | 见证

July 22nd, 2024
走出自己的舒适区,甚至是服事的舒适区,经历又活又真的神在你生命中的作为,你才能真真切切明白以弗所书 1 章 8-9 节所讲“这恩典是神用诸般智慧聪明,充充足足赏给我们的,都是照他自己所预定的美意,叫我们知道他旨意的奥秘;”...
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #2 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#2
July 15th, 2024
Keywords: Gratefulness, God's Provision, Serving and Spreading the Gospel, Transformations ...
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #1 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#1
July 11th, 2024
In April 2024, an STM team consisting of mostly young adults went to Honduras during their spring break. Here are some of testimonies of how their lives were touched....
4 Ways to Join Us in Missions | 行动的呼召
July 11th, 2024
As we reflect on these diverse mission experiences, we see the many ways God is working through Living Hope and our partners. From building homes to training pastors, from engaging youth in service to exploring new mission frontiers, each trip contributes uniquely to our vision of mobilizing the church for the Great Commission. ...
Every individual, created for a purpose | 每個人的生命都有其獨特的使命
June 17th, 2024
" He is the potter, and we are his clay. If we can surrender our lives to Him and let Him transform and renew us, we will feel true joy and love that we long for. HE created each one of us with a purpose, and he calls us to run back to him."...

Testimonies | 见证

July 22nd, 2024
走出自己的舒适区,甚至是服事的舒适区,经历又活又真的神在你生命中的作为,你才能真真切切明白以弗所书 1 章 8-9 节所讲“这恩典是神用诸般智慧聪明,充充足足赏给我们的,都是照他自己所预定的美意,叫我们知道他旨意的奥秘;”...
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #2 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#2
July 15th, 2024
Keywords: Gratefulness, God's Provision, Serving and Spreading the Gospel, Transformations ...
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #1 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#1
July 11th, 2024
In April 2024, an STM team consisting of mostly young adults went to Honduras during their spring break. Here are some of testimonies of how their lives were touched....
4 Ways to Join Us in Missions | 行动的呼召
July 11th, 2024
As we reflect on these diverse mission experiences, we see the many ways God is working through Living Hope and our partners. From building homes to training pastors, from engaging youth in service to exploring new mission frontiers, each trip contributes uniquely to our vision of mobilizing the church for the Great Commission. ...
Every individual, created for a purpose | 每個人的生命都有其獨特的使命
June 17th, 2024
" He is the potter, and we are his clay. If we can surrender our lives to Him and let Him transform and renew us, we will feel true joy and love that we long for. HE created each one of us with a purpose, and he calls us to run back to him."...


Gallery of Past Mission Trips | 短宣掠影

stm trip members’ videos |短宣隊員的視頻

Testimonies from Mission Trip Members | 來自短宣隊員的見證

As Carrie and Jonah sought God, He kept revealing Himself. In a Honduras mission trip, God blessed them in deepening a real relationship with Jesus, and experiencing Him and His salvation in a personal way.

This clip is an excerpt from the Chapel's service on November 26, 2023, Salvation is Grace through Faith.

這個短片節選自the Chapel教會2023年11月23日的信息,救恩是因信稱義的恩典(Salvation is Grace through Faith)。 

08/04/2023-08/11/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月4日-8月11日 洪都拉斯短宣

08/11/2023-08/18/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月11日-8月18日 洪都拉斯短宣

Bringing Food Bags to the Tolupan Indians

Building a Chicken Coop

Hand Pressing Blocks with a Block Machine

Prison Visit

A Day Serving in Langue

A Trip to Tiger Island

stm trip members’ videos |短宣隊員的視頻

Testimonies from Mission Trip Members | 來自短宣隊員的見證

As Carrie and Jonah sought God, He kept revealing Himself. In a Honduras mission trip, God blessed them in deepening a real relationship with Jesus, and experiencing Him and His salvation in a personal way.

This clip is an excerpt from the Chapel's service on November 26, 2023, Salvation is Grace through Faith.

這個短片節選自the Chapel教會2023年11月23日的信息,救恩是因信稱義的恩典(Salvation is Grace through Faith)。 

08/04/2023-08/11/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月4日-8月11日 洪都拉斯短宣

08/11/2023-08/18/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月11日-8月18日 洪都拉斯短宣

Bringing Food Bags to the Tolupan Indians

Building a Chicken Coop

Hand Pressing Blocks with a Block Machine

Prison Visit

A Day Serving in Langue

A Trip to Tiger Island

stm trip members' videos |短宣隊員的視頻

Testimonies from Mission Trip Members | 來自短宣隊員的見證

As Carrie and Jonah sought God, He kept revealing Himself. In a Honduras mission trip, God blessed them in deepening a real relationship with Jesus, and experiencing Him and His salvation in a personal way.

This clip is an excerpt from the Chapel's service on November 26, 2023, Salvation is Grace through Faith.

這個短片節選自the Chapel教會2023年11月23日的信息,救恩是因信稱義的恩典(Salvation is Grace through Faith)。 

08/04/2023-08/11/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月4日-8月11日 洪都拉斯短宣

08/11/2023-08/18/2023 Honduras STM Trip | 2023年8月11日-8月18日 洪都拉斯短宣

Bringing Food Bags to the Tolupan Indians

Building a Chicken Coop

Hand Pressing Blocks with a Block Machine

Prison Visit

A Day Serving in Langue

A Trip to Tiger Island