Inside A Pastor's Journal: 2023 Mission Trip Testimony #2 | 一位牧師的日記:2023短宣見證#2

Article by 2023 Honduras Summer STM Member, Pastor Chen
Pastor Chen is a pastor in Toronto, Canada. This summer, he led 31 of his church members (17 are teenagers) to participate in a short mission trip to Honduras, and he journaled down God’s works during his time there.
When we are willing to step out, may the Lord change us with His unchanging love because we so need to be changed!
When we went to Pena de Horeb Church to lead VBS, seeing the bright smiles on the faces of the local children and their patient gratitude, every participating Sunday School teacher from our North American Chinese churches was envious. From these pure and lovely children, we once again saw God’s faithfulness. He really loves each and every one!  In the evening, we had a good fellowship among ourselves, and together, we thanked God for giving us such a wonderful opportunity. We came to Honduras not for sightseeing but for the chance to pass on the love of Jesus Christ through partaking in various ministries, even if it started with offering a small piece of candy.
The fourth day of this trip was the most exciting day. Alice and Ian were baptized in the Pacific Ocean and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord of their lives. Our team of over 30 people witnessed God's grace together; this grace, like the vast Pacific Ocean, poured into our hearts.
當我們去Pena de Horeb教會帶領VBS的時候,看到當地孩子臉上燦爛的笑容和耐心感恩的態度,每一位北美華人教會的主日學老師都羨慕不已。在這些單純可愛的孩子們面前,我們又一次看到神的信實。他真的不偏待人!晚上大家一起分享交通,一起感謝神給了我們如此美好的機會,我們來洪都拉斯不是為了觀光,而是有機會通過參與各項事工把耶穌基督的愛傳遞給那裡的人,哪怕是從給出一個小小的糖果開始。
         短宣的第四天是最激動人心的一天。Alice 和Ian在太平洋里受洗,接受耶穌基督為他們的救主和生命的主。我們一行30多人一起見證了神的恩典,這恩典如同浩瀚的太平洋一樣湧入人們的心田。

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