What does Living Hope Global Ministries mean in Honduras? | 新希望在洪都拉斯意味著……?

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Director of Children’s Center 兒童中心主任 Williams Flores Cañas
Here in Langue, with loud, praising voices, Living Hope Global Ministries means Love, Hope, and Help that ALL comes from God!  It means food for the souls of children but also food for the pain of hunger.
The Children's Center, established by Living Hope, is about to celebrate six years of satisfying spiritual hunger, physical hunger, and many additional needs for unprotected families who struggle every day. One great piece of news that I trust will brighten your day is that many of our Children Center families attend our church, and our children look forward to coming to every service.
As an administrator, I spend every day guiding our children with the word of God and motivating those who study hard in school. I do this because I want them to have more opportunities for a better future that escapes poverty. This is why I always guide them in their education. My life is very blessed to serve these children. Our children have shown me their love and respect, and they know they can count on me anytime. A few days ago, I was brought to tears when several of our children told me I was like a dad to them.  I understand very well that it is the Holy Spirit working in each of us, and I just want to remain an instrument in the hands of our God for our children.
I would also like to share with you in this update that I am excited we are praying to open a third Living Hope Children’s Center in another village in our city. So many children are in desperate need of food, and their daily poverty is extreme.  
We recently elected the new board of students in the Center, with Evelyn Alvarado serving as our president and Olga Ramírez as our sports leader. I know they will do well for our Center and their friends.
Lastly, I would like to thank you!  I thank God for all of you who make all this possible.

Williams and His Beautiful Family


在Langue,新希望意味著來自上帝的愛、希望和幫助,還總是伴隨著響亮、贊美的歌聲! 它意味著孩子們的靈糧,也意味著救助他們免於飢餓的食物。在Langue,新希望意味著來自上帝的愛、希望和幫助,還總是伴隨著響亮、贊美的歌聲! 它意味著孩子們的靈糧,也意味著救助他們免於飢餓的食物。
作為中心的負責人,我每天用上帝的話語來教導我們的孩子,並鼓勵那些在學校努力學習的孩子們。 我這樣做是因為我希望他們有更多機會擺脫貧困,有更美好的未來,更希望有一天被上帝使用。 這就是為什麼我總是輔導他們的功課。我很幸運能服事這些孩子們。 這些孩子也向我表達了他們對我的愛和尊重,他們知道隨時都可以依靠我。 前幾天,幾個孩子告訴我說我就像他們的父親,我的眼淚不禁奪眶而出! 我很清楚這是聖靈在我們每個人靈里動工,為了這些孩子,我願意成為上帝手中的器皿。
我還想與您分享,我們正在祈禱能夠在我們城市的另一個村莊開設第三個希望兒童中心。 那裡有很多吃不飽的孩子,他們每天都過著極度貧困的生活。
我們最近選出了兒童中心的新的學生會, Evelyn Alvarado是學生會主席,負責體育的是 Olga Ramírez。 我知道他們一定會很好地帶領這些孩子們的。
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