Posts with the category “prayer-requests”

4 Ways to Join Us in Missions | 行动的呼召
July 11th, 2024
As we reflect on these diverse mission experiences, we see the many ways God is working through Living Hope and our partners. From building homes to training pastors, from engaging youth in service to...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
To Our Sponsors | 写给助养人
July 9th, 2024
You are more than donors; you are a vital part of our global family, dedicated to nurturing and rescuing vulnerable children....  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Prayer Corner | 代禱欄
November 20th, 2023
We earnestly request everyone to continue praying for the following ministry needs. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
March 2023 Prayer Letter| 2023年三月禱告信
April 7th, 2023
Dear Supporters and Friends, We come to you today with a humble spirit, seeking your prayers and support for our upcoming mission trip to Honduras in April. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Asia Ministry Prayer Requests December | 2022年12月亞洲事工代禱事項
December 22nd, 2022
The number of orphaned and poor children we are sponsoring in Asia is increasing. Our local co-workers urgently need a van to deliver food and clothing to families scattered in various villages. The c...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Prayer Letter from Pastor Zhou of the Kenyan Chinese Yongguang Church, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞華人永光堂周牧師代禱信
December 22nd, 2022
Peace in the Lord, brothers and sisters,弟兄姐妹主内平安,In the past three years, the pandemic has had a great impact on the church, which is directly reflected in the number of attendees and tithe in the chu...  Read More
by Pastor Zhou, Ministry Partner in Kenya
Kenya Mbooni Children's Home Report and Prayer Requests, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞Mbooni兒童中心事工報告與代禱事項
December 22nd, 2022
We are praising the Lord for the many answered prayers in 2022. He has blessed us with new sponsors for the children of AIC Mbooni Children’s Home of Kenya from Living Hope Global Ministries. 感謝主在2022...  Read More
by Kenyan Ministry Partners
Ukraine Prayer Request December 2022年12月份乌克兰代祷事项
December 22nd, 2022
The widows and orphans of the Ukrainian fallen soldiers we support are in urgent need of thermal long underwear. Each set of thermal underwear for women is about $25, and for children, it is about $2...  Read More
by Living Hope Team

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