Honduras Mission Trip Review in 2023 | 2023年洪都拉斯短宣回顧

We extend our heartfelt gratefulness to 266 participants of this year's mission trip. It has been an incredible blessing for all involved. Each mission team positively impacted the local communities they served and bore a wonderful witness for the Lord Jesus.
In Montana de la Flor the Tolupan Indian Tribe, the work of missionaries Leandro and Johanna received invaluable support by short-term mission teams. Building 8 chicken coops, making bricks, distributing food to more than 30 families, and conducting health checks for residents. They truly enhanced the relationship between missionaries and tribal residents.
In Langue, with the joint efforts of local churches and various short-term mission teams, the short-term mission team had the opportunity to help 7 churches repair their buildings, hold 10 VBS, visit families and build pilas, distribute food and vitamins and other nutrients, and established 2 new soccer teams. These ministries expand these churches’ influence in the local communities. These ministries truly bless residents and help them know the Lord Jesus. This year, the short-term mission team had the opportunity to visit 6 local prisons 8 times. During these visits, team members shared their testimonies and the gospel to the inmates. For the first time, the short-term mission team witnessed the baptism of 9 inmates within the prison, and more than 200 prisoners decided to follow Jesus.
Without the provision from the Lord, we would not be able to complete these ministries. Praise the Lord! We welcome more brothers and sisters to go on a short-term mission trip with Living Hope and witness God’s wonderful deeds among all races and peoples!
          我們向今年宣教之旅的266位短宣隊成員獻上感恩。 對於所有參與的弟兄姐妹來說,洪都拉斯的短宣經歷都是難以置信的祝福。 每個短宣團隊都對他們所服事的當地社區產生了積極的影響,並為主耶穌做了美好的見證。
         在花山托魯盤印第安部落,宣教士Leandro和Johanna的工作得到了短宣隊極大的支持。 修建8個雞捨、制磚、發放食物給超過30個家庭,為居民做健康檢查不僅提供了當地居民的需要,更增進了宣教士與部落居民的感情。
        在蘭蓋,在當地教會和各短宣隊的共同努力下,短宣隊有機會幫助7間教會修繕教堂,舉辦10場VBS,探訪家庭並修建水槽,分發食物和維生素等營養品,成立2支新的足球隊。通過這些事工擴大了教會在當地社區的影響力。 這些事工實實在在地祝福當地居民,幫助他們認識主耶穌。短宣隊今年更是有機會8次探訪當地6間監獄。在這些探訪中,短宣隊員分享了他們的見證,並向囚犯們傳揚了福音。 短宣隊第一次在監獄圍牆內見證了9位犯人的洗禮,超過 200 名囚犯決定跟隨耶穌。
   瞭解更多: 訪問 www.livinghopeglobalministries.org/stm  
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