Rise, Reach, and Revitalize | 興起,拓展,發光

Article by Rev. Dr. Samuel Fang- Founder, President
文:方牧師- 創辦人,會長

Living Hope Joining Ukraine Mission Conference in Warsaw

新希望在華沙參加烏克蘭宣教大會 6/8 - 6/10/2023

After three years of lockdown, governments have finally lifted travel restrictions this year, and our ministry has ushered in a new wave of evangelism. In March and April 2023, more than 50 people from 4 short-term mission teams went to Honduras. From June to August, 10 short-term mission teams composed of more than 250 people from over 20 churches will go to Honduras and participate in a range of projects, including building chicken coops and  fences, hand-pressing cement bricks, and helping the Indian tribes repair dilapidated houses. Pray that God can sow the seeds of the gospel in their hearts through our offering. Since 2019, we have held gospel sharing testimonials in 4 Honduras prisons. Many prisoners have decided to believe in Jesus! Praise the Lord! In 2023, we will visit two more prisons, to share more of the gospel. We pray that the Lord will help us to go to all 27 prisons in Honduras to share the good news.
In Kenya, we plan to fund a second orphanage. From November 17th - 26th 2023, we will lead a short-term mission team to visit the orphans in Kathonzweni Children’s Home. We want to help more unfortunate children and bring the love of God to them.
Since the beginning of 2023, we have received a list of more than 100 orphans of fallen soldiers in Ukraine, and the number of sponsors is also increasing. As the war continues, new casualties are reported every day, and the number of orphans who lost their fathers in the war continues to increase. In addition to helping us distribute food and clothes, the staff of the Ukrainian Lviv Central Baptist Church regularly invite war widows and their children to participate in various church activities, so that they can not only receive material and spiritual help, encouragement and comfort but, more importantly, they will find the savior of their lives-Jesus!
"Retire? REFIRE!" and "Second Vocation" are the new ministry visions God gave us in 2023. We have now established a ministry platform to organize and lead retired pastors and church leaders to visit Chinese churches scattered around the world. It is hoped that these "retired" church leaders can inspire, nurture, persuade and encourage these local churches. The "Retire? REFIRE!" vision journey will begin in September 2023: journey to Peru and Ecuador in South America from September 23rd to October 4th; journey to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in Central Asia from October 20th to 29th; journey to Kenya from November 17th -26th. In 2024, there will be more international  “Retire? REFIRE!" vision trips to East Africa, Eastern Europe, South America and Southeast Asia. We hope that pastors and brothers and sisters interested in participating in the "Retire? REFIRE!" ministry, please contact us as soon as possible.
經過三年的疫情封鎖,今年各國政府終於取消了旅行限制,我們的事工也迎來了新的宣教熱潮。 2023年3月和4 月,共有4支短宣隊共50多人去了洪都拉斯宣教。從6月到8月,又會有來自20多間教會的250多人組成的10支短宣隊前往洪都拉斯宣教,參與許多印地安部落事工,包括:建造雞捨,搭建籬笆,手工壓水泥磚,以及幫助印第安部落原住民維修危房。祈求神可以藉著我們的奉獻在他們心中播下福音的種子。自2019年以來,我們在洪都拉斯的4所監獄舉行了15場福音見證會,超過500名犯人決志信主! 感謝主!2023年會增加兩所新的監獄可以分享福音,我們祈求主幫助我們,可以去到洪都拉斯全部 27所監獄分享福音。
自 2023 年開年至今,我們收到了烏克蘭一百多名陣亡軍人的孤兒名單。隨著戰爭的繼續,每天都有新的軍人陣亡,孤兒人數也在持續增加。我們希望有更多的愛心人士成為這些孤兒的助養人。烏克蘭利沃夫中心浸信會的同工們除了協助我們購買,分發食品和衣物外,他們也經常邀請這些陣亡軍人的遺孀和孩子們參加教會的各種活動,讓他們不僅能得到物質和精神上的幫助,鼓勵和安慰,更重要的是讓他們遇見生命的救主--耶穌!
「退而不休」和「人生第二職業」是2023年神給我們的新的事工異象。我們現在建立了一個事工平台,組織和帶領從牧會退休的傳道人,以及從職場退休的教會領袖,去探訪分散在世界各地的眾華人教會。希望這些「退而不休」 的教會領袖可以給這些當地教會帶去啓發、培訓、指導和激勵。「退而不休」的異象之旅將於  2023 年 9 月開始:9  月 23 日至 10 月 4 日前往南美洲的秘魯和厄瓜多爾; 10月20 日至29日,前往中亞的吉爾吉斯斯坦和烏茲別克斯坦; 11月17日到26日,去肯尼亞。2024年,將會有更多「退而不休」異象之旅前往東非、東歐、南美和東南亞。希望有志於參加「退而不休」的牧長和弟兄姊妹盡快與我們聯繫

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