LHGM's New Block Machine Builds Homes and Hope | 新希望新事工——壓磚機鑄造新的家與希望

A Tolupan Indian Family in Front of Their Stick and Mud Home,
Montana de la Flor, Honduras

Tolupan 印第安土著的一家四口和他們用樹枝和泥巴建造的小屋

The most important lesson we have learned in our 30 years of ministry and serving others, is the absolute knowing that If God takes us there, He will provide all we need. He brings loving hearts to partner with us to use their gifts and talents to bring sustainable solutions to problems that seem too high to reach.  
We would like to share how God brought a willing heart to make a life changing difference in the lives of our dear friends who suffer from the life challenges of impoverishment. Severe poverty can rob deserving people of the ability to provide a safe home for their families. Stick and mud homes over time become brittle and cannot hold up to the elements. Storms come and leave families homeless.
One of God’s willing hearts works as a metalsmith and learned about an opportunity to build a metal block machine that uses 90% dirt and 10% concrete.  His desire was to serve God and listened to His call to use his abilities to change lives. This amazing gift brings the ability for severely impoverished families to have a strong and safe home, something they could have never dreamed possible.  This man, along with his group of friends built this amazing block machine and donated it to our ministry. We shipped the machine to Honduras and to our missionaries who serve the Tolupan.  
We are so excited to share this amazing gift and photos of our first blocks that have been built.  In a few months, we’ll be able to share the wonderful homes that are built with this machine. The joyful hearts as they labor and build a safe and strong home. They can access dirt easily and with our help, they can buy a small amount of concrete to be able to use the block machine and one by one, build their family a home. It is our prayer that in this joyful experience, they will see the never-ending love of God and how He provides for their needs.
We are blessed to experience and share the joy of these families and we would like to honor the loving heart who listened to God’s call and said, “yes Lord, I’m willing”. This group is now working on a second block machine.  We have an opportunity to multiply this blessing many times over and serve so many more impoverished families in every impoverished country we serve.  If you would like to contribute to this program to help with the cost of building future metal block machines, bags of concrete for families and shipping expenses to send the machine to impoverished countries, we invite you to our website to donate under the ‘Build a Safe Home’ program link.
This blessing gives so much more than a strong home, it gives the family the pride of providing for themselves. Poverty robs people of dignity and Hope, but God answers prayer and gives us daily miracles, if we as believers just take a minute to listen to His call.  If He takes you there, He will provide all you need.
Someone, somewhere is waiting for you.

Missionary Leandro Operating on the Block Machine & Blocks Made with the Block Machine

宣教士Leandro 使用制磚機(右圖)用機器壓好的磚 (左圖)

我們很感恩能夠經歷這些並與您分享這些家庭的喜悅,我們也致敬那些聽到神的呼召就回應說我願意的弟兄姊妹們!鐵匠團隊現在正在製作第二台壓磚機。我們現在有機會可以使得這個祝福倍增,去幫助更多的貧困的家庭。您可以捐款製造壓磚機、購買混凝土或運輸費用等等。您可以在我們的網站點擊 「Build a Safe Home」 項目鏈接來捐款。

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