Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #2 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#2
One thing that I learned throughout this trip is to be grateful. The thing that touched me the most was visiting the indigenous mountain tribe. It was a very rural area with mountains all around. The village was secluded from everything else, and the houses were all far apart and spread everywhere. It was very dusty and rocky, and the people there were very poor. Seeing how happy the kids were with only having so little made me feel grateful for everything I have. Our VBS had all of the kids very excited and happy, even though to us it didn’t seem like something all that exciting. This made me feel very happy too, because they appreciated us so much. Not only that, but after seeing their living conditions and how poor they lived, it was very heartbreaking. Some houses didn’t have water, many houses were falling apart, but still they managed to be happy when we visited them. The gifts that we gave each family was just a bag of food. However after hearing their about their condition, it made us feel both happy that we could help them but sad at how badly they needed it. Looking at how poor they were but also how grateful they were for things that seemed small to us, it really made me reflect about it. Helped make me realize how spoiled we are and used to a luxurious lifestyle. The tribe is very happy even with what little they have, and that can teach me to also be happier and appreciate all that we have in life.
After this trip, I will try my best to be more grateful, especially for the small and more meaningful things instead of just letting them pass over as if nothing happened.
I am so blessed by the lord in having prosperity, love, and everything else. This trip served as a reminder to be grateful for everything God has created and given to me. As it is written in 1 Thessalonians, “In everything give thanks: for that is the will of God in Jesus Christ.”
After this trip, I will try my best to be more grateful, especially for the small and more meaningful things instead of just letting them pass over as if nothing happened.
I am so blessed by the lord in having prosperity, love, and everything else. This trip served as a reminder to be grateful for everything God has created and given to me. As it is written in 1 Thessalonians, “In everything give thanks: for that is the will of God in Jesus Christ.”
Matthew Liu
Before going to Honduras I thought that we would only be there to run some VBSs for the local children. However, my perspective has greatly shifted and brought me closer to appreciating God. On our second day after landing in Langue, we took a bus ride to a remote village. This experience of meeting and connecting with the children was a blessing as I learned the conditions they lived in, yet they still gave and worshiped. When meeting the children, they were shy, but through crafts and games, we grew a bond with each other. This village touched me and greatly humbled me as the environment and conditions they live in every day are nothing like ours. Overall, I learned to appreciate and be grateful for the little things and more importantly, grew a stronger relationship with God.
Henry Wang
On the second day, we had one of our first experiences in Honduras during our visit to the Tolupan village in the Montana de La Flor. After a long, multi-hour bus ride up a rural mountain road, we arrived. When we arrived, the village's children lined up to greet our bus with smiles. We had 2 primary objectives there: to host a VBS and visit some families. The VBS went well, with most, if not all, of the kids actively participating. An impactful moment for me was when the kids were playing soccer. They didn't have a proper field or real goals, but they were having as much fun as anyone else. Even while using horrible Spanish for the story and games, they were grateful for everything we did. This made me realize how lucky I was compared to them and how we have been ungrateful, coming from a wealthy country. Compared to them, we didn't have many important problems to worry about as our food and living conditions were provided for us. This feeling I had was further evident when we visited five homes of the tribe. They lived in houses made from mud, some of which did not even have walls. They slept on the floor with thin mats, and most, if not all, of the homes didn't even have running water. Despite all of this hardship, the families still had smiles when we visited. Although they live modest lives, without everything we consider to help our lives, they still were able to thrive with what they could. This extreme contrast between our lives opened my eyes, which made me realize how privileged we are and how much there is left to help different communities. Their way of life is a strong testament to the strength of God's love. He is able to provide everything they need to succeed in a not-so-prosperous environment. This experience with the people of the Tolupan tribe and everything else we learned on this trip further made me realize the extent of things we take for granted and the need to spread God’s love to everyone.
Jeff Wang
在整个短宣过程中,我学到的一件事就是要心存感激。最让我感动的是去探访印第安部落。那是一个非常偏远的地区,四周都是山,房屋之间相距甚远。到处尘土飞扬,岩石密布。人们非常贫穷。当我看到那些孩子们在如此贫穷的情况下竟然如此快乐时,这让我对自己所拥有的一切心存感激。我们的 VBS 让参加的孩子都非常兴奋和快乐,尽管对我们来说,这似乎并不是一件令人兴奋的事情。他们非常感激我们给他们办VBS,这也让我感到非常高兴。不仅如此,在看到他们的生活条件和他们贫困的生活后,我感到非常心碎。有些房子没有水,许多房子都倒塌了,但当我们拜访他们时,他们仍然很高兴。我们给每个家庭的礼物只是一袋食物。在听到他们的家庭贫困状况后,我们一边为能够帮助他们而感到高兴,另一方面也为他们的困难而感到难过。看到他们如此贫穷,却又如此感激那些在我们看来微不足道的事情,这真的让我深思。这让我意识到我们真是被宠坏了,已经习惯了奢侈的生活方式。这个部落即使拥有的很少,但他们依然非常快乐,这教会我更快乐,更珍惜生活中拥有的一切。
Matthew Liu
在去洪都拉斯之前,我以为我们就是为当地儿童举办一些 VBS(Vacation Bible School, 圣经夏令营,教圣经故事,做游戏唱赞美诗)。然而,实际情况令我的想法发生了巨大的转变,让我更加感激上帝。在抵达兰盖的第二天,我们乘坐大巴车前往一个偏远的村庄。这次与孩子们见面和交流的经历是上帝给我的祝福,因为我了解了他们的生活条件,即使那么艰难,但他们仍然愿意奉献和敬拜上帝。刚见到这些孩子时,他们很害羞。但通过做手工和游戏,我们很快建立了感情。这个村庄让我感动,让我谦卑,因为他们每天生活的环境和条件与我们是完全不同的。总的来说,通过这次短宣,我学会了欣赏和感激每一件小事,更重要的是,使我与上帝的关系更加牢固了。
Henry Wang
短宣的第二天,我们参观了花山上的托鲁盘印第安部落,这是在洪都拉斯的第一次经历。我们的巴士沿着乡村的山路,经过几个小时的长途车程后抵达。当我们到达时,村里的孩子们排着队,面带微笑地迎接我们。我们在那里有两个主要目的:举办 VBS 和探访一些家庭。VBS 进行得很顺利,大多数(如果不是全部的话)孩子都积极参与。对我来说,影响最深的一刻是孩子们踢足球的时候。他们没有合适的场地或真正的球门,但他们和其他人一样玩得那么开心。即使我们使用糟糕的西班牙语讲故事和玩游戏,他们也对我们所做的一切表示感谢。这让我意识到,与他们相比我是多么幸运。我们来自一个富裕的国家,却多么不知感恩。与他们相比,我们没有太多需要担心的重要问题,因为我们的食物和生活条件都是有人提供的。当我们访问部落的五个家庭时,我的这种感觉更加明显了。他们住在用泥土建造的房子里,有些甚至没有墙壁。他们睡在地上,垫着薄垫子,大多数家庭甚至没有自来水。尽管生活如此艰难,我们拜访时,这些家庭仍然面带微笑。虽然他们生活简朴,没有我们认为可以提高生活质量的一切物质所需,但他们仍然能够靠自己努力生存。我们与他们生活的这种极端对比让我大开眼界,让我意识到我们是多么幸运,我们可以为不同的社区提供的帮助还有很多。他们的生活方式有力地证明了上帝之爱的力量。祂能够为他们提供一切所需的东西,让他们在这个并不富裕的环境中好好地生活。在与托鲁盘部落村民在一起的这次经历,以及我们在这次短宣中学到的一切,让我进一步意识到我们太把我们所得到的一切都视之为理所当然了。我也深深地意识到将上帝之爱传播给每个人的必要性。
Jeff Wang
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