Posts with the tag “tolupan-indians”

Growth and Love in Honduras | 在爱中成长的洪都拉斯事工
July 2nd, 2024
The Living Hope Children’s Center Tolupan now supports 74 children thanks to local missionaries Leandro and Johanna's dedication. Their efforts to feed the hungry and share the Gospel have built commu...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Honduras Tolupan Children Center Update Feb. 2024 | 洪都拉斯托盧潘兒童中心報告 2024年2月
March 1st, 2024
The Tolupan Indian Tribe Children’s Center celebrates the season of spring, a time filled with God's blessings. Leandro and Johanna, the heart and soul behind the center, are filled with gratitude as ...  Read More
by Honduras Tolupan Children’s Center
Honduras Mission Trip Review in 2023 | 2023年洪都拉斯短宣回顧
November 20th, 2023
We extend our heartfelt gratefulness to 266 participants of this year's mission trip. It has been an incredible blessing for all involved. Each mission team positively impacted the local communities t...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
LHGM's New Block Machine Builds Homes and Hope | 新希望新事工——壓磚機鑄造新的家與希望
May 15th, 2023
Learn how an innovative block machine that uses 90% dirt and 10% concrete can build a struggling family a safe home and lift them in hope....  Read More
From Orphan to Missionary|從孤兒到宣教士
January 30th, 2023
Leandro is our missionary with the Montaña de la Flor Indian tribe in Honduras. He and his wife served the Indigenous people there for more than 3 years. Read his touching story of how God saved him a...  Read More
by Leandro Castejon, Missionary to the Tolupan Indians in Montaña de la Flor, Honduras
October 19th, 2022
提起洪都拉斯這個名字,人們會不由自主地把它與「貧窮」、「凶殺」、「毒品」這些字眼相關聯起來。然而在我眼裡,這個讓我情不自禁連續兩年所往返的國家卻是與主更親近的地方!...  Read More
by Jun Qiu
那山,那水,那路,那人…… ——洪都拉斯印第安部落短宣回顧
October 18th, 2021
居住在洪都拉斯Mountain of flowers 的Tolupan 印第安部落,約有2萬多人,這個部落非常保守,基本上不與外界接觸,是神國未得之民。這些年,經過幾代宣教士和當地客西馬尼教會的努力,上帝的愛還是降臨到這批未得之民,Living Hope進入該部落傳福音的路被開啟了。...  Read More
by Jun Qiu

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