Posts with the tag “kenya”

Children Sponsorship Review in 2023 | 2023年兒童助養事工回顧
November 17th, 2023
In 2023, our sponsorship program has witnessed remarkable blessings. These precious children are under the loving care of our dedicated local partner churches and missionaries. They are nourished, gui...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Letters from Our Kenyan Children June 2023 肯尼亞孩子的信 2023年6月
June 26th, 2023
We appreciate your loving support for our Kenyan children! Please read some of the sponsored children's letters to their sponsors....  Read More
by Living Hope Sponsored Kenyan Children
May 7th, 2023
2022年感恩節,我和許多志同道合、願意去非洲短宣的基督徒踏上了肯尼亞的這片土地 ,去探望Mbooni兒童之家資助的孩子們。...  Read More
by Jun Qiu
A Safe Haven for Vulnerable Children: The Kathonzweni Children's Home| 一個安全的港灣:Kathonzweni兒童之家
April 7th, 2023
Kathonzweni Children's Home, founded in 1979 to provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children, is the second orphanage Living Hope plans to support in Kenya....  Read More
by Kenyan Ministry Partners
Kenya Mbooni Children's Home Report and Prayer Requests, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞Mbooni兒童中心事工報告與代禱事項
December 22nd, 2022
We are praising the Lord for the many answered prayers in 2022. He has blessed us with new sponsors for the children of AIC Mbooni Children’s Home of Kenya from Living Hope Global Ministries. 感謝主在2022...  Read More
by Kenyan Ministry Partners

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