July 22nd, 2024
走出自己的舒适区,甚至是服事的舒适区,经历又活又真的神在你生命中的作为,你才能真真切切明白以弗所书 1 章 8-9 节所讲“这恩典是神用诸般智慧聪明,充充足足赏给我们的,都是照他自己所预定的美意,叫我们知道他旨意的奥秘;”...  Read More
by Qing Fu, Ministry Coordinator
Seeds of Hope | 希望的种籽
July 15th, 2024
Read the letters testifying to God‘s work from two of our co-workers in Asia while serving our children and their families....  Read More
by Coworkers in Asia
Letters from Our Ukrainian Children March 2024|乌克兰孩子的信 2024年3月
July 15th, 2024
" During an alarm, we go to the shelter. I really want VICTORY I want to live in a free, peaceful country with happy people. Unfortunately, most people are sad and very anxious now. I ask you to pray ...  Read More
by Sponsored Ukrainian Children
Go and See How GOD Can Use You and Me | 去,看你和我被神如何使用
July 15th, 2024
Read about how God has allowed us to partner with other believers in the Great Commission around the world. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Letters from Our Honduran Children March 2024|洪都拉斯孩子的信 2024年3月
July 15th, 2024
” I like to learn from God and I waited a long time to come to the children’s center and now I am so happy Thank you my sponsor, very much for everything, Because of you, I am very happy.“...  Read More
by Sponsored Honduran Children
Letters from Our Kenyan Children March 2024|肯尼亚孩子的信 2024年3月
July 15th, 2024
I thank God because when I come here I have never been sent home for school fees, when the other learners are sent I remain in class busy revising. Thank you for your support of school fees, school u...  Read More
by Sponsored Kenyan Children
Letters from Our Asian Children March 2024|亚洲孩子的信 2024年3月
July 15th, 2024
"If there was no Jesus, I don’t think I would meet you people, so I want to thank you and Lord Jesus. Maybe we can’t see God by eyes, but as long as we believe in God, we can see God with heart. Thank...  Read More
by Sponsored Asian Children
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #2 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#2
July 15th, 2024
Keywords: Gratefulness, God's Provision, Serving and Spreading the Gospel, Transformations ...  Read More
by 2024 Honduras April STM Members
Retire? Refire | 人生七十才开始
July 12th, 2024
As the saying goes, "Life doesn't begin until you are seventy." If the retirement age of most people is between sixty-five and seventy, then the second half of your life should officially begin after ...  Read More
by Pastor Paul Shen
Youths on Missions: Testimony Series #1 | 宣教中的青少年 见证集#1
July 11th, 2024
In April 2024, an STM team consisting of mostly young adults went to Honduras during their spring break. Here are some of testimonies of how their lives were touched....  Read More
by 2024 Honduras April STM Members
4 Ways to Join Us in Missions | 行动的呼召
July 11th, 2024
As we reflect on these diverse mission experiences, we see the many ways God is working through Living Hope and our partners. From building homes to training pastors, from engaging youth in service to...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Mission Projects: Empowering Spiritually, Building Community | 宣教项目:属灵扶持、社区建设
July 9th, 2024
Mission projects are a critical aspect of Living Hope’s missions, where we enhance both spiritual and material support for our partners across various regions. We focus on developing spiritual leaders...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries

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